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Players get kicked
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Players get kicked
Please help me solve this issue. My OS is Windows 8 x64 bit. And the GenModded Ghostone version I use is v1.53. The log of the ghostone is attached.Sorry for my bad english.
Also, I want to know why the IPs are local instead of being of that of garena IP or real IP.
- Log:
- [ GHOST] listening for GProxy++ reconnects on port 6114
[ BNET: XPAM] refreshed ban list (0 -> 0 bans)
[ BNET: XPAM] connecting to server [server.eurobattle.net] on port 6112
[ BNET: XPAM] resolved and cached server IP address
[ BNET: XPAM] connected
[ BNET: XPAM] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
[ UDPCMDSOCK] Relaying cmd [!load dota] to server [server.eurobattle.net]
[ WSPR: XPAM] [debasiskanhu] !load dota
[ BNET: XPAM] admin [debasiskanhu] sent command [!load dota]
[ CONFIG] loading file [C:/Gen modded GhostOne/mapcfgs/dota.cfg]
[ MAP] loading MPQ file [C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\maps\download\DotA v6.78c.w3x]
[ MAP] calculated map_size = 240 31 126 0
[ MAP] calculated map_info = 174 161 45 178
[ MAP] calculated map_crc = 3 151 116 204
[ MAP] calculated map_sha1 = 216 70 236 137 46 200 207 50 208 45 178 215 164 187 6 213 136 111 15 23
[ MAP] calculated map_width = 118 0
[ MAP] calculated map_height = 120 0
[ MAP] calculated map_numplayers = 10
[ MAP] calculated map_numteams = 2
[ MAP] found 10 slots
[ MAP] overriding calculated map_size with config value map_size = 240 31 126 0
[ MAP] overriding calculated map_info with config value map_info = 174 161 45 178
[ MAP] overriding calculated map_crc with config value map_crc = 3 151 116 204
[ MAP] overriding calculated map_sha1 with config value map_sha1 = 216 70 236 137 46 200 207 50 208 45 178 215 164 187 6 213 136 111 15 23
[ MAP] overriding calculated map_width with config value map_width = 118 0
[ MAP] overriding calculated map_height with config value map_height = 120 0
[ MAP] overriding calculated map_numplayers with config value map_numplayers = 10
[ MAP] overriding calculated map_numteams with config value map_numteams = 2
[ MAP] overriding slots
[ BNET: XPAM] cd keys accepted
[ BNET: XPAM] username [debasiskanhu] accepted
[ BNET: XPAM] using pvpgn logon type (for pvpgn servers only)
[ BNET: XPAM] logon successful
[ BNET: XPAM] Removed 0 temporary bans which expire today
[ ERROR: XPAM] Cheating in any way is not allowed on our server.
[ ERROR: XPAM] Doing so will lead to a ban.
[ GHost One] Attempting to hook GArena...
[ GHost One] GArena hooked!
[ UDPCMDSOCK] Relaying cmd [!pub -apso India 9] to server [server.eurobattle.net]
[ WSPR: XPAM] [debasiskanhu] !pub -apso India 9
[ BNET: XPAM] admin [debasiskanhu] sent command [!pub -apso India 9]
[ GHOST] creating game [-apso India 9]
[ GAME: -apso India 9] loading IP blacklist file [ipblacklist.txt]
[ GAME: -apso India 9] loaded 662 lines from IP blacklist file
[ GAME: -apso India 9] attempting to bind to all available addresses
[ GAME: -apso India 9] listening on port 6127
[ LOCAL: XPAM] /w debasiskanhu Creating public game [-apso India 9] started by [debasiskanhu].
[ WSPR: XPAM] [debasiskanhu] Creating public game [-apso India 9] started by [debasiskanhu].
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [debasiskanhu(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: !wim
[ GAME: -apso India 9] admin [debasiskanhu] sent command [wim] with payload []
[ GAME: -apso India 9] Dynamic latency at 45% = 50 ms=110-60 sync=0.0% -
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [LoLzzz...Bo0oM(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [margish55(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [margish55]: margish55 Joined your game! Ping :X
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [LoLzzz...Bo0oM]: LoLzzz...Bo0oM Joined your game! Ping :359
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: !p
[ GAME: -apso India 9] admin [debasiskanhu] sent command [p] with payload []
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [devilmaycry1993(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [devilmaycry1993]: devilmaycry1993 Joined your game! Ping :141
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [deathx5(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [deathx5]: deathx5 Joined your game! Ping :250
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [LoLzzz...Bo0oM]: was autokicked for excessive ping of 216
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: !wim
[ GAME: -apso India 9] admin [debasiskanhu] sent command [wim] with payload []
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [fff0bia(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [fff0bia]: fff0bia Joined your game! Ping :X
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: !ready
[ GAME: -apso India 9] admin [debasiskanhu] sent command [ready] with payload []
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [deathx5]: !ping
[ GAME: -apso India 9] non-admin [deathx5] sent command [ping] with payload []
[ GAME: -apso India 9] Dynamic latency at 109% = 120 ms=110+10 sync=0.0% -
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [blOoDyxDeAthGod(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [blOoDyxDeAthGod]: blOoDyxDeAthGod Joined your game! Ping :X
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [deathx5]: !ping
[ GAME: -apso India 9] non-admin [deathx5] sent command [ping] with payload []
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: !wim
[ GAME: -apso India 9] admin [debasiskanhu] sent command [wim] with payload []
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [blOoDyxDeAthGod]: slots plzz?
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: how many
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: ?
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [deathx5]: !ping
[ GAME: -apso India 9] non-admin [deathx5] sent command [ping] with payload []
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: ??
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [blOoDyxDeAthGod]: 1
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [blOoDyxDeAthGod]: 2
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [blOoDyxDeAthGod]: 2
[ GAME: -apso India 9] Dynamic latency at 109% = 120 ms=110+10 sync=0.0% -
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: k
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: call
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [debasiskanhu]: fast
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [tia-8888(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [tia-8888]: tia-8888 Joined your game! Ping :203
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [deathx5]: !ping
[ GAME: -apso India 9] non-admin [deathx5] sent command [ping] with payload []
Spam control detects a spammer blOoDyxDeAthGod will be KICKED for flooding
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [blOoDyxDeAthGod]: ty
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [blOoDyxDeAthGod]: just one more
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [Thluak_baw_Man(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ GAME: -apso India 9] [Lobby] [Thluak_baw_Man]: Thluak_baw_Man Joined your game! Ping :109
[ GAME: -apso India 9] Dynamic latency at 109% = 120 ms=110+10 sync=0.0% -
[ GAME: -apso India 9] player [AntZ_apz.hl(|2130706433|)] has joined from
[ DENY] Kicking players because of high multiple IP address usage
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [debasiskanhu]:
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [margish55]:
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [devilmaycry1993]:
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [deathx5]:
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [fff0bia]:
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [blOoDyxDeAthGod]:
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [tia-8888]:
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [Thluak_baw_Man]:
[ GAME: -apso India 9] deleting player [AntZ_apz.hl]:
Also, I want to know why the IPs are local instead of being of that of garena IP or real IP.
debasiskanhu- New Member
- Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-09-19
Re: Players get kicked
Use GCB and don't hook garena.
keisersoze- New Member
- Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-08-09
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