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Strange Invalid version error after changing to bnet version 26

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Strange Invalid version error after changing to bnet version 26 Empty Strange Invalid version error after changing to bnet version 26

Post by fzz1991 Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:52 pm

I can't seem to connect to useast and uswest servers despite changing the version to 26. But i CAN connect to europe and asia bnet servers. Do anyone know the reason why i can't connect to us servers? here is the log:

BNET: USWest] using custom exe version bnet_custom_exeversion = 1 0 26 1
[ BNET: USWest] using custom exe version hash bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 194 206 231 242
[ BNET: USWest] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
[ BNET: USEast] using custom exe version bnet_custom_exeversion = 1 0 26 1
[ BNET: USEast] using custom exe version hash bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 194 206 231 242
[ BNET: USEast] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
[ BNET: Asia] cd keys accepted
[ BNET: USWest] logon failed - game version is invalid, disconnecting
[ BNET: USWest] disconnected from
[ BNET: USWest] waiting 45 seconds to reconnect
[ BNET: Asia] username [fzz-command] accepted
[ BNET: Asia] using logon type (for official servers only)
[ BNET: Europe] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
[ BNET: Europe] creating BNLS client
[ BNLSC:] connecting to server [] on port 9367
[ BNET: USEast] logon failed - game version is invalid, disconnecting
[ BNET: Asia] logon successful
[ BNET: USEast] disconnected from
[ BNET: USEast] waiting 45 seconds to reconnect
[ BNET: Asia] Removed 0 temporary bans which expire today
[ BNET: Europe] cd keys accepted
[ BNET: Europe] username [fzz-command] accepted
[ BNET: Europe] using logon type (for official servers only)
[ BNET: Europe] logon successful
[ WSPR: Europe] [Fzz-talk] Welcome fzz-command to op fzz, the home of 3c/hwm Lovers!
[ LOCAL: Europe] [fzz] Fzz is currently sleeping/exercising/loving. Please wait a hr or two for him to be b.
[ BNET: USEast] connecting to server [] on port 6112
[ BNET: USEast] using cached server IP address
[ BNET: USWest] connecting to server [] on port 6112
[ BNET: USWest] using cached server IP address
[ BNET: USWest] connected
[ BNET: USEast] connected
[ BNET: USWest] using custom exe version bnet_custom_exeversion = 1 0 26 1
[ BNET: USWest] using custom exe version hash bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 194 206 231 242
[ BNET: USWest] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
[ BNET: USEast] using custom exe version bnet_custom_exeversion = 1 0 26 1
[ BNET: USEast] using custom exe version hash bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 194 206 231 242
[ BNET: USEast] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
[ BNET: USWest] logon failed - game version is invalid, disconnecting
[ BNET: USEast] logon failed - game version is invalid, disconnecting
[ BNET: USWest] disconnected from
[ BNET: USWest] waiting 45 seconds to reconnect
[ BNET: USEast] disconnected from
[ BNET: USEast] waiting 45 seconds to reconnect

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Strange Invalid version error after changing to bnet version 26 Empty Re: Strange Invalid version error after changing to bnet version 26

Post by Gen Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:26 am

logon failed - game version is invalid, disconnecting;
you need to configure right version for it. Are you using GenBot?


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